Thursday, March 4, 2010

So precious...

Our day yesterday began with our son running head-first into the corner of a wall. The wall won, and we ended up in the ER with a gash in our son's head. I praise God that although it bled a LOT, it could have been a lot worse. The ER doctor glued his cut (who knew they could practically super-glue a wound), and he is leaving it alone - for now. I continue to pray that it heals well, although he will have quite the battle scar on his forehead!

What an awful reminder of the sovereignty of God! As part of our women's Bible study at church, I am currently studying Trusting God by Jerry Bridges. This past week we learned that God is COMPLETELY in control of ALL events of our lives - the traumatic, the big, the mundane, and the small. He is not passive; He is actively involved in all that happens. God was aware of our circumstances, and God chose those for us yesterday. And when our days seem to be uneventful, He has chosen that day for us as well. God does ALL things for His glory and for our good. Do I really believe that? If I did, would I be worried about anything...really, what can worry us?

Lord, thank you for protecting my little boy yesterday. Thank you for bringing us both blessing and calamity. Give us also the wisdom to see your glory and our good in all you do, and let us praise you for it.